Submitted by Irwin Blank, Regina VectorVest User Group

VectorVest Canada User Groups graphicOur Regina User Group will hold a special Options Training Session at 12:00 noon this Saturday, February 21. This is in addition to our regular meeting at 1:10 p.m. User Group members and investors new to VectorVest are invited to attend either session or attend them both.

The meeting will be held at 2201 11th Avenue, Regina. Call Irwin at 306-535-8615 from the building entrance to gain entry into the office for the meeting.

Do you need some help finding your way around the VectorVest software? Perhaps you’re looking for like-minded, self-directed investors to share a few stock trading ideas and strategies? If so, why not attend one of our User Group meetings in a community near you? You’ll meet up with other investors who gather to learn from each other and enhance their VectorVest experience with fun, fellowship and learning.

Check the User Group section in the VIEWS tab every Friday and click on the link for a meeting near you. The link will provide you with date, time and agenda for all upcoming meetings.