-submitted by Petra Hess, User Group Leader, Burlington, ON
Welcome all subscribers and guests to our Burlington User Group Meetings. Please join us Tuesday, December 9 at 7:00 p.m. in our new location, Burlington Central Public Library.
Copied below is the meeting information posted in the Friday VectorVest Views.
Burlington, Ontario VectorVest User Group
**NEW LOCATION** – Burlington Central Public Library
MEETING DATE: Tuesday December 9, 2014
VectorVest subscribers and trial subscribers are welcome to attend. Bring a friend who is interested in joining. MEETING FEE: $10.00 per person and $18.00 per couple. NO RSVP OR REGISTRATION REQUIRED. ALL VECTORVEST SUBSCRIBERS ARE WELCOME!
Dec 9, 2014 – 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM
Burlington Central Public Library
In the Centennial Hall
2331 New Street
Burlington, Ontario L7R 1J4
• 07:00 PM – A look at the current market conditions starting with the home page.
• 07:20 PM – Bob Turnbull on how he uses VectorVest
• 07:35 PM – Steve Turner on Seasonality and Cycles
• 08:15 PM – Stock picking contest and our last round of picks.
• 08:30 PM – Getting ready for our January Core Portfolios
• 09:00 PM – Meeting Adjourned
Welcome to ALL VectorVest Subscribers, particularly those in the Burlington, Oakville, Hamilton, St. Catherine’s and Niagara area.
Many of you are at different levels of experience as VectorVest subscribers, so we welcome your input. The purpose of the meeting is to learn how to use VectorVest to improve “YOUR” investment results. The presentations and Q & A will assist users in learning more about VectorVest features for more profitable trading.
Directions to Burlington Central Public Library.
Just off New Street the Central Library, WEST of Guelph Line. South of the QEW. Ample parking is available in the adjacent lots. THIS IS A NEW LOCATION!!
Would like to attend Vector Vest group meeting in G.T.A. Toronto if possible
Mohan Damle CPA, CA.
Hi Mohan, My apologies for my late reply. Below is some information on a User Group that might suit your location and need. As you can see, the last meeting was Feb. 15, so there should be a meeting coming up in March. To find the latest information on all our User Groups, just go to the View tab on any Friday. Scroll down to the User Group section or use the drop down arrow. Look for the Canada User Groups and click on the blue link to get the information about the group’s next meeting including date, time, location and agenda. Thanks Mohan. Wishing you good investing.
Toronto/Markham/Richmond Hill, ON VectorVest User Group
02/15/2017 06:30 PM
Until: 02/15/2017 08:30 PM
North American Centre
5700 Yonge Street, North Tower
Ground Floor, Quest Trade Training Center
Toronto, ON M2M 4G8