What an exciting day VectorVest investors had yesterday during VectorVest’s monthly International Online User Group Forum Saturday, Nov. 4! Keynote speaker Susan HayesCullerton of Ireland, an economist and Managing Director of VectorVest Europe, took us on a fascinating and educational tour of seven countries that comprise the largest markets in Europe.


What you will hear is Susan giving us the vital history and the backdrop of what is truly going on inside Europe’s growing economy. Following that, Susan delivers on three ways investors can invest successfully in Europe, a region she described as the world’s largest exporter, the largest importer, the largest population and now the wealthiest developed region in the world. What is happening in Europe is something all serious investors need to pay close attention to.

“Europe has its challenges, but as a place of business, it’s open, it is progressive, and there is a lot of entrepreneurial support,” Susan told attendees.

Europe is an outstanding market to be investing right now. And, to make it easier, Susan offered a surprise bonus gift to registered attendees which is a link to free access to VectorVest Europe for 30 days. Here is the link: www.vectorvest.com/TryEU. No credit card necessary, the trial will simply expire after 30 days. If you wish to continue after the trial, please contact VectorVest Support to make arrangements. Hurry, this offer expires at midnight, Tuesday, November 6th.

How to invest in Europe’s robust regional economy? First, Susan showed how we can quickly find 35 New York traded ETFs that invest in European countries. She then explained the differences between two of the most popular ETFs, EZU and IEUR. In terms of individual countries, Germany, EWGS, and Poland, EPOL, lead the pack with 49% and 47% returns YTD.

In VectorVest Canada, we have VEF, XIN, ZDM, RID, XEF, ZEA, ZWE, ZEQ, XMI among others.

The second way to invest in Europe, Susan said, is in the individual stocks themselves, something that requires finding a broker who will give you access. She showed how she uses VectorVest market timing and stock analysis to trade successfully. Once you have your free access to VectorVest Europe, you can read her essay about one of her favourite strategies in the November 3rd VectorVest Views.

And finally, the third way to invest, and this is Susan’s specialty, is to use Options, specifically, selling Options.

Here is just a sampling of the many positive comments attendees chatted in about Susan’s presentation:

“Fantastic presentation and an eye-opener to another market! Thanks.” – Salim D.

“Great presentation and timely with the breakout on the FTSE this year to all-time new highs.” – Petra H.

“Wow! Tremendous, informative insight.“ – James P.

“What a joy to listen to Susan. Please bring her back again for an update with all that is happening in the UK and EU.“ – Warren G.

OUR MONTHLY GLOBAL MARKET REVIEW. Finally, as part of our regular monthly agenda, Stan Heller, VectorVest Canada Consultant, gave a market review. Below is a graphic showing VectorVest guidance in the Color Guard reports for all eight VectorVest countries.

Nov 4 2017 Forum Global Color Guards

Nov 3 2017 SOTW QandAHow Well Are The Canada and US VectorVest Model Portfolios Performing? Please watch Friday’s Special Presentation video and then join me Tuesday at 12:30 am Eastern for our weekly Special Presentation Q&A webinar. We’ll review the markets, look at individual stocks and answer your questions about the Model Portfolios. Please click the link to register: REGISTER NOW!

Not a VectorVest subscriber? Take a 5-week trial for just $9.95 USD and learn how to make money with VectorVest. Call 1-888-658-7638 to arrange your trial. No need to take any action should you wish not to continue, the trial will just expire. Contact VectorVest if you do wish to continue for exact pricing.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this Blog is for educational and information purposes only. Example trades and strategies must not be considered as recommendations. You should always do your own analysis and invest based on your own risk tolerance, investment style, goals and time horizon. There are risks involved in investing and only you know your financial situation, risk tolerance, financial goals and time horizon.

To View previous Online Forum video replays, click on the recording links below:

November 4, 2017 – Three Ways To Invest In Europe’s Strong Markets by Susan Hayes, Cullerton.

October 7, 2017 – Sarosota User Group’s Covered Call Income Strategy by Dennis Fluegel and Finding Winners With Rising RT by Stan Heller.

September 2, 2017 – Strategic Investing with VV’s High CI Indicator: KISS The High CI, by Dr. Gord Nixon and Mike Simonato; and List of U.S. ETFs Tracking Global Markets, by Stan Heller.

August 5, 2017 – How to Run a Manual Backtest Using Market Timing Signals by Stan Heller, and Stock Ideas from our VectorVest Community.

June 3, 2017 – Hidden Divergence Patterns by Dr. Barbara Star, PhD, Technical Analysis Expert and Author.

May 6, 2017 – Weekly Zone Pattern Recognition by David Paul, VectorVest UK Managing Director and Energy Sector Review by Michael Wuetherick, Energy Insder and VectorVest User Group Leader, Red Deer, AB.

April 1, 2017 – Value Zone Trading Part II by Petra Hess, Burlington, On User Group Leader and Hidden Wisdom in VectorVest’s Training Tab and Help Files by Stan Heller, Consultant VectorVest Canada.

March 4, 2017 – Developing a Simple Trading Plan, by Tom Mitchell, Nanaimo, BC User Group and Value Zone Trading, by Petra Hess, Burlington, ON User Group Leader.

February 11, 2017 – Work. Life. Trading Balance. by Margaret Bell. Global ETFs and Industry Tracking by Stan Heller, Consultant, VectorVest Canada.

January 7, 2017 – Stock Chat hosted by Stan Heller, Consultant VectorVest Canada

December 3 – My Three Friends: Value, Price and Earnings by Mike Simonato, Ontario VV Member.

November 5 – Guide to Worry-free Investing with Dr. Bart DiLiddo

October 1 – Running With Momentum: Momentum ETF Portfolio; and Jamin Heller’s Enhanced Trade Analysis and Risk Management Spreadsheet.

September 10 – Trading Pullbacks: Possible entry and exit points combining candlesticks and the 10 EMA and 30 EMA by Wendy Johnson, Arkansas User Group Leader; and 5-Steps to Profitable Bottom Fishing by Stan Heller.

August 6 – Three new ways to trade 3/8 EMA Crossovers by Petra Hess, Burlington UG Leader and How to Use QuickFolios to find what’s hot and what’s not, by Stan Heller.

July 4 – Keep it Simple! Lesson from Regina, SK User Group presented by Irwin Blank; and Finding Trade Ideas using Price, Volume and ADX/DMI, presented by Stan Heller.

March 5 – Best Stock Ideas and Analysis Methods presented by Canada’s User Group Leaders and Members.

Feb 6 – Relative Safety Driver – A new search and trading strategy by Rick Rodgers and How to Use Custom Field Builder for Candlestick Searches by Graham Jones.

Jan 2 – Lessons from the Derby Jockey Club by Audrey Kelliher; Industry Group Analysis Methods by Bob Binfet; and How to Set-up and Manage Your Portfolio for 2016 by Petra Hess.

Dec 5 – Simplify Your Trading Using the 3/8-EMA by Petra Hess; Portfolio Management Using WatchList Graphs by Mike Simonato; Energy Sector Analysis by Michael Wuertherick; Bank Sector Analysis by Marcia Elgie and Emanuel Althuis; and Business Services Industry Group Analysis by Sandy Cook.

Nov 7 – Jake’s Patent Winners by Jake Pattinson and How to Bottom Fish and Covered Calls by Emanuel Althius.